Solve Life Problems

Resolve typical challenges of life such as financial instability, relationship struggles and work-life balance.

Unlock the doors to self-discovery through ancient wisdom and modern modalities. Explore numerology, tarot, crystal healing, and more to navigate life's crossroads, manifest your desires, and discover your true potential.

Through Mystical Approaches

Typical Life Problems

Life throws challenges our way, and they're a natural part of living. No one is exempt! Whether it's in our personal lives or at work, challenges are always there, sometimes obvious and sometimes sneaky. They're like the guiding forces that shape us. Let's take a closer look at some common challenges we all face. These are the little hurdles that quietly impact our lives as we navigate our way through the ups and downs.

  • Financial Instability: Managing debts, unemployment, rising living costs, or inadequate savings pose significant challenges for many.

  • Work-Life Balance: Juggling career demands with personal life and family commitments can be extremely challenging.

  • Relationship Compatibility: Whether in romantic, business, or familial relationships, finding compatibility can be complex and demanding, requiring understanding, communication, and compromise.

  • Career Success: Achieving career milestones entails overcoming stagnation, skill gaps navigating office politics and strategic decision-making.

  • Life Transitions: Coping with major life changes such as marriage, parenthood, career shifts, or loss requires resilience and adaptability.

Can Mystical Practices help deal with Life's Challenges?

✦ Tarot, astrology, or numerology offer diverse perspectives on personal matters.

✦ Astrological insights assist in timely decisions and actions.

✦ These practices encourage self-discovery and growth.

✦ Individuals feel empowered and connected to higher purposes.

✦ Crystal therapy or energy work addresses emotional well-being.

✦ They offer comfort during challenging times.

✦ Mystical practices deepen understanding of life's complexities.

✦ Exploring occult readings offers new perspectives and insights.

HOW? it starts with tuning your mindset and then experience situations turn in your favor!

At Soulwave, we guide you through life's ups and downs, offering tailored solutions & remedies to navigate challenges and align with the flow of positivity and abundance.


Infographic showing values of Soulwave
Infographic showing values of Soulwave

Beneath the masks and labels, we see your unfurling galaxy.



To provide effective solutions and remedies to help you manifest good health, career success, fulfilling relationships and financial abundance.

With over two decades of expertise, Supriya offers a diverse range of holistic practices for personal and spiritual growth.

Her expertise encompasses an array of transformative healing modalities. Mastery in Tera Mai Seichem and Lama Fera healing provides profound energetic shifts. Crystal, Color Therapy, and Access Bars offer intricate layers of spiritual and emotional rejuvenation. Tarot and Angel card readings unveil insightful guidance. Suppriya also delves into Graphology, Signature analysis, Watch analysis and therapy and Vastu to foster harmonious partnerships and spaces.

Each session, meticulously crafted, serves as a transformative journey, empowering you to explore equilibrium, self-realization, and fulfillment through a rich tapestry of healing cultivated over two decades.

Meet Supriya

My Specializations

As an occult practitioner, I have the following areas of specializations


Tera mai seichem

Lama Fera

Watch Analysis

Crystal Healing


Color Therapy

Tarot/Angel & Runes reading

Access Bars


Promote energy balance and well-being with this holistic healing technique.

Awaken ancestral wisdom and channel life forces for deep healing and transformation.

Harness the magic of crystals to clear blockages, amplify energy, and manifest intentions.

Embrace the vibrant spectrum to shift moods, enhance well-being, and unlock creativity.

Unwind mental limitations, release negativity, and open doors to boundless possibilities.

Harmonize your living space with cosmic energy principles. Promote peace, health, and success in your environment.

Seek guidance from ancient symbols and angelic wisdom. Uncover hidden truths, gain insights, and navigate life's crossroads.

Discover personality traits, strengths, and hidden potential through handwriting analysis. Refine self-expression and achieve goals.

Delve into the symbolism and energy of your watch. Clear unwanted patterns, attract prosperity, and find synchronicity in time.

Unlock hidden meanings in names, dates, and numbers. Enhance life paths, attract success, and choose harmonious choices.

Craft personalized rituals with candles and herbs to manifest your goals and desires.

Gain intuitive insights by asking questions and interpreting the movements of a weighted crystal.

Candle Magic

Pendulum Dowsing

Tera Mai Seichem Icon on transparent background
Tera Mai Seichem Icon on transparent background
A numerology icon on transparent background
A numerology icon on transparent background
An access bar icon on transparent background
An access bar icon on transparent background
A vastu icon on transparent background
A vastu icon on transparent background
A candle magic icon on transparent background
A candle magic icon on transparent background
A pendulum dowsing icon on transparent background
A pendulum dowsing icon on transparent background
A Tarot icon on transparent background
A Tarot icon on transparent background
A graphology icon on transparent background
A graphology icon on transparent background
A wristwatch therapy icon on transparent background
A wristwatch therapy icon on transparent background
A Lama Fera Icon on transparent background
A Lama Fera Icon on transparent background
A crystal healing icon on transparent background
A crystal healing icon on transparent background
A Color therapy icon on transparent background
A Color therapy icon on transparent background

Own your life, craft your future.

Start at Soulwave